This page describes the Privacy Policy adopted in case a customer uses the App to access trends information of the Ranatick platform.

Platform Trend Data

The App only displays information concerning the attraction to which the account used to perform the login is associated, and for this reason it’s absolutely impossible to access data of any type associated to other attractions and/or contexts. The displayed information is completely anonymized, preventing since the beginning any possible data communication to unauthorized entities different from the legitimate users, where with users we define holders of a user account within Ranatick Platform instance related to an attraction.


The app does not rely on any type of cookie for its correct functioning. There is the possibility that the framework used to implement the app internally uses cookies, but the information stored in the cookies won’t be neither accessed nor shared by the app in any way.

Information Sharing

Information concerning logged users, the attraction to which is associated and all the trend data displayed aren’t shared in any way, neither in an automatic way nor a manual way, to any third parties or other entities whatsoever